Mitchell vs. Cline - Debates
Debate, Debate, Debate
I understand our local colleges, W&L, VMI and SVU were all asked to work together to put on a big debate between the Democrat, Ken Mitchell, a 24 year veteran and the Republican, Ben Cline, who has been in Congress for the past six years. It would be wonderful if the Universities can work together, put this debate on TV, record it for all to see, and even live-stream it on the radio and the internet.
A well run, moderated debate with time limits for each candidate, with questions and follow up questions for ninety minutes is what we, the registered voters, deserve in our community. In the future perhaps there will be a rebirth of the League of Women Voters to run debates like clockwork as they used to, or perhaps some other organization could run these debates. Having debates in at least four places in the Sixth Congressional District is a worthy goal.
This action could put our region on the map and help promote high voter turnout, which is always a valuable thing in a democracy.
Rev. Susan Worrell