Local Dems To Launch New Public Education and Training Program and Book Club

Democrats have always been the education party.  Jimmy Carter created the US Department of Education in 1979 when a Democratic Congress of 58 Democratic Senators and 288 Democratic members of the House of representatives passed legislation creating this great department.  Republican after Republican has voted to shut down the department.  In keeping with our party’s constant commitment to education, our small LEXROCKBV Dems are creating an Educational and Training Program as a model for all local Democratic Committees in the nation. 

These free programs will be offered in person in Lexington, Virginia and we shall use Zoom technology so people all across the nation and in any household that has an internet connection can take our educational and training programs for free.  Our initial line up of programs to start in January 2025and be offered several times a month will include such topics as:

1.        Basic Computer Skills

2.        Basic Social Media Skills

3.        How to Get Your Writings Published

4.        How to Use Artificial Intelligence in Life and Politics

5.        New Strategies for Organizing for Political Success in Rural America

6.        How Children and Adults Can Benefit from Educational Websites

7.        How to Run for Office and Get Appointed to a Board or Commission in Your Area

8.        Voter Registration Basic Procedures

9.        How to Make Elections Function Better in America

10.  Ten Steps Every Person Can Do To Protect the Environment

11.  Taking the Mystery and Telling the Truth About Climate Change

12.  How Women Can Achieve Full Equality in America

13.  Office Management

The Book Club will meet once a month beginning in January 2025.  The first three books to be studied are:

Virginia Grit by David Reid.  The author will be with us for our inaugural book club event which will be in person at a local venue and online via Zoom.

Virginia Grit: From Poverty to Policymaker, Creating Opportunity for Everyone

by David Reid | Apr 16, 2024


Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to ...


https://www.amazon.com › Dark-Persuasion-History-Br...

This gripping book traces the evolution of brainwashing from its beginnings in torture and religious conversion into the age of neuroscience and social media.


A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan's Plot to Take ...


https://www.amazon.com › Fever-Heartland-Klans-Ame...

Get to know this book · What's it about? A historical thriller about the rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, focusing on the charismatic con man who ...

 Rating: 4.7 · ‎5,367 reviews · ‎$18.40 · ‎30-day returns · ‎In stock


The Art of Power | Book by Nancy Pelosi

Simon & Schuster

https://www.simonandschuster.com › books › Nancy-Pel...

The Art of Power by Nancy Pelosi - The most powerful woman in American political history tells the story of her transformation from housewife to House ...


 August 30, 2024

For more information about the LexRockBV Dems Education and Training Program, contact our Interim Education and Training Coordinator at herb@herbrubenstein.com or call 303.910.7961.




Button Making Project Launched by LexRockBV Dems